ACA 155 1

  • ACA 155 1
  • ACA 155 1
  • ACA 155 1
  • ACA 155 1
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An All-Time Academy Top 10! Blonde superstar Hannah at 5' 6" and 122 pounds of dominant bitch goes to battle with cover model Kika in this marathon match between gorgeous topless submission wrestlers. Nothing scripted or staged, just strip down to thongs and make her give, and both are to tap several times before a winner emerges. Kika is flexible almost beyond belief and Hannah, who has tapped out much bigger and stronger women, has trouble finding a grip that will make Kika submit. Kika not only escapes Hannah's best holds but blocks many others and secures a number of excellent holds herself until the winner finally settles the match with a painful scissors/nelson combination. No overt eroticism here - these women came to fight!